I walked out of my new apartment, into a rainy evening, to go drop off my rent check. Lance shined our flashlight on the pavement in front of us as we walked, and the beam caught some movement. “Oh, a toad!” I exclaimed excitedly. The toad moved slowly on this […]
Photography for Conservation
“There’s another new one!” Grabbing my camera, I run to the window and fire off a few photos before the bird zips away. “I’ve never seen a bird like that, it was so bright! I can’t wait to enter it into iNaturalist and show the others!” Bioblitz with a […]
It’s a foggy early-September morning at Minneopa State Park. The dew on the grass glints in the sunlight as the area naturalist, Scott Kudelka, and I slowly approach a monarch butterfly that has landed on a Prairie Blazing Star. Quick as a wink Scott reaches forward with his net, swipes […]
One of the largest state parks in the United States, Custer State Park in the Black Hills of South Dakota, is celebrating its 100-year anniversary this year. I traveled to the park in June, and I was blown away by the beautiful landscapes and the abundance of wildlife that are […]
An important part of ensuring an ecosystem persists is understanding it and its components. So, in order to further our understanding of the Okefenokee Swamp ecosystem, researchers Dr. Kimberly Andrews and Master’s student Kristen Zemaitis from the University of Georgia, Odum School of Ecology, have set out to learn about one […]
Did you know, you can become a citizen scientist and help scientists while you are out photographing the season’s colors? If you’re paying attention to the seasonal changes around you, like photographing the fall color progression, you’re in the perfect position to help scientists understand Fall changes in your area! […]